What do you do when you’ve done everything and you want more? So you’ve mastered being able to cum when you want, you have no problem with your erections, you feel OK with your body and your masturbation is going fine. You don’t have any particular problems but things feel a little stale or there doesn’t seem to be enough va va voom to satisfy you.
I wonder if you have a 6th sense that there is more to explore in the realm of the erotic, or maybe you have simply had enough of the same old same old...?
The answer to your quest is a Tantric Fusion Retreat.
This is a full or half-day bespoke-to-you retreat where you can switch off your phone, close the door on the outside world and immerse yourself in awakening your inner erotic explorer.
This is your opportunity to explore, heal, expand and experience pleasure and connection and erotic power in a safe, supportive and non-judgemental space. A place where you can unashamedly access your healthy masculine self and experience the joy of being met in that by my healthy feminine self.
Some people come here to learn or practice Tantra techniques, some come to explore fantasy and how kink can be both conscious, erotic and beautiful. And others for connection and sexual healing.

James* recalls his experience from his first Tantric Fusion Retreat.
James has been involved with Tantra for some time but after a break of a few years and the pandemic, his confidence was pretty low and issues from his sexual past were re-emerging.
“I’d heard about Sian from a Tantra Festival where she was running a workshop and I got in touch to see if I could work with her on a problem that has been with me for 35 years. I had at this point pretty much accepted defeat. I doubted that I could fully express my masculine side ever again!”
After his free Consultation Call where we discussed how a Tantric Fusion Retreat could help and what could happen between us, James* booked in for a half-day retreat.
“I admit, I was very nervous to begin with, but Sian helped me to relax and guided me to make choices during the session and go at a pace that was just right for me. I’m so glad I went ahead with this. The talking part was essential to begin with and the bodywork was the deepest I have ever experienced.
"In just one session I got clear glimpses of how to move forward. Sian’s generosity in that Power session was a gift to me that I will always treasure, it was the key that unlocked me and led me through the fear to exactly where I wanted to be. It was all just life changing!
"Me and my body are so grateful for the opportunity to experience what Sian and I shared.”
*Name changed for client confidentiality.
Tantric Fusion Retreats can help you to:
Create a deeper connection with your own self, with lovers and with partners. To honour yourself, honour others, cultivate enhanced negotiation of consent, boundaries and communication, access altered states and experience erotic trance. A retreat can help you achieve semen retention and experience greater sexual satisfaction; all within a relaxed, supportive and intimate environment.
Tantric Fusion Retreats can include:
Tantric ritual, Yab Yum, two-way/mutual touch, breathwork, movement and sound, sacred intimacy, connection to spirituality, safe exploration and initiation into conscious kink and fantasy, lingam, Tantric massage, sacred prostate massage and the magic arts of Tantra.
What to Expect from Tantric Fusion Retreats?
- Bespoke: Power sessions are tailor-made to what you want to work on or experience in the field of Tantra, Consent, bodywork, kink and the erotic. Sessions can be relaxed or lively or a healthy mixture of this and more
- Welcoming: Power retreats take place in my beautifully decorated, modern, warm and welcoming home
- Discretion: My home is part of a large apartment complex that offers easy access, safe parking and anonymity
- Hospitality: All retreats include light snacks and refreshments. Full day retreats include lunch
- Presence: no phones, no interruptions and my full, undivided attention
- Skill: I am a highly trained, insured and experienced practitioner who thrives in guiding men on the pathway to erotic joy, empowerment, freedom and Power. My qualifications here listed here
- Consent: The Wheel of Consent is internationally recognised as the best in consent-driven practice and is woven throughout my work. Far from dry words, consent and boundaries can deeply enrich erotic encounters. In negotiating and agreeing what you would like to experience in the session. We can create a safe space within which groundbreaking explorations can take place. And in this sense, everything is an invitation to respond to each present moment and at a pace that works for us both
Has what you’ve read here resonate for you? Then perhaps you are ready to explore something new with me. Click here to arrange a free consultation call and discover more about pleasure through Tantric Massage, discover your potential and get better at sex with a bespoke Tantric Fusion Retreat.
I look forward to meeting you.