I saw this movie nearly a week ago and it's still ‘with me’ so much so that I had to share with you some insights that have been percolating since.
Granted, at first glance, this looks like a chick flick but bear with me... Emma Thompson plays Nancy, a post-marriage, middle-aged woman who has challenges around sex, intimacy and her body. Being a pragmatic woman, she tries to resolve her difficulties through meetings with a sex worker. Nancy has the good luck to find Leo, (played by Daryl McCormack from Peaky Blinders) and together they embark on a life-changing journey.
“it's not vain to enjoy your body; to love it”
The film is beautifully comedic with moments of heart-stopping tension, and much like everyday life, it brings into focus challenges around age, body confidence, sex in relationships, sexual adventure, sexual dysfunction, pleasure, feeling conflicted, and what it means to be a parent. Feeling loss, shame, lost or silly for wanting and needing. And the shame of longing for connection and intimacy that satisfies body and soul and sometimes, just feeling numb or shutting out the feelings.
“it's very stressful being a parent. It's a stress that never leaves you. It's like a thumb on a bruise”
This is so much more than a chick flick, it is an honest, relatable tale of desire, sexual dysfunction, shame of our bodies, the isolation of unmet needs and desires and the not being good enough. These things haunt us all to some degree or another at some point in our lives.
“you're the only adventure I've ever had, the only freedom”
If any of this resonates for you, and you are ready for change, while I work differently to Leo Grande, I can, like his character, help you uncover your desires, work through shame and blocks to pleasure and discover your unique sexual wholeness.
“Pleasure is a wonderful thing. It's something we should all have”
Your sexual wholeness doesn’t have to be down to good luck, reach out; get in touch so that you can begin your life changing journey.
Film Trailer: https://youtu.be/TJcbZoJFLTU