Finbar Shields

This week I met Finbar Shields at an online erotic storytelling event. His words resonate so strongly with how I work with the tenderness and sensuality of men. This simply melted my heart . . .

Nobody talks about how men get wet, too
how drops of morning milk emerge from us
how we glisten and unfurl
how the organ is not just a war ready fist
always a second’s notice
away from stamping
but is too a flower
a shimmering stamen
dew dripped and opening
tenderly, tenderly
into arrival.

Nobody talks about how men need seducing, too
by time
by electricity
by the ache of fire spun words
that enter our bodies like syrup
glutting our senses
by our knowing of magick
the star scopes of our minds
and laughter
the skin of souls whetted by lifefulness
sovereign and dancing
the un-self-conscious way a cherry bursts into burgundy
in the Indian Summer.

How we too,
our little boy
and the great, growing oak’s arms
that hold him,
require the selkie swim of kindredness
dropping into the frothing spray’s drink
hand in hand,
eye to eye
being to being.

See more of Finbar Shields writings at:

Men Get Wet Too!

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