Sexual Partner Surrogacy

“Discover Your Consciousness and You Will Find what Love Is”


What is Sexual Partner Surrogacy?

Surrogate Partner Therapy is a unique, hands-on form of sex therapy. It was created in the 1970s by US based sexologists Masters and Johnson (no relation to me sadly). They believed that people could learn about sexual intimacy only by experiencing it with another person and so they developed specific techniques and guidelines to offer this professionally and safely. Trained surrogate partners work with clients around physical and emotional issues that requires the involvement of a partner. In addition to work around sexual dysfunctions, confidence and inexperience, the surrogacy that I offer enable clients to delve deeper into the realms of intimacy, connection and sexuality in a safer and more supported environment.


Why do people use a Sex Surrogate?

There is always a learning objective when working with a Sex Surrogate and working together often involves elements of coaching and communication. There are many reasons why someone wants to work with a Sexual Partner Surrogate which includes to

  • Learn more about sex and intimacy
  • Practice ejaculation choice
  • Build sexual experience and technique
  • Experience something new
  • Understand their own body, especially in relation to another body
  • Build skills, understanding or hone techniques
  • Feel physically and emotionally close
Sexual Partner Surrogacy

Why did I become a sex surrogate?

During my training as a Sexological Bodyworker, I realised that many clients need supportive opportunities to build on the skills they learned in sessions with me by practicing them in real life. The options available were often limited to using escorts and this was not an option for many clients or for those that did rarely found it helpful. I found that incorporating skills learned through Tantra, Sexological Bodywork and coaching and after building such a level of trust with clients, offering sexual partner surrogacy seemed to be a natural progression.


How can a Sexual Surrogate help me?

By helping you learn about:

  • Emotional and physical intimacy
  • How you like to touch and be touched
  • Communication skills
  • To notice, trust, value and communicate your own needs
  • learn how to discover and understand your partners needs
  • Understand a woman’s body and arousal
  • Boundaries and consent in sex and relationships
  • Ejaculation choice
  • Body confidence
  • Sexual techniques which can include touch, oral sex, penetration and anal pleasure

What is my next step to working with a Sexual Partner Surrogate?

If you would like to learn about how sexual partner surrogacy can help you, then arrange your Free Consultation Call


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