Useful stuff to watch and read
Sian Johnson Sex Coach for Men
The Sex Lectures
TV Series
Sex, Love and Goop series on Netflix
How To Build a Sex Room series on Netflix
Sex Actually with Alice Levine Channel 4 series available on YouTube
Tantra and Consent
Living Tantra by Jan Day
Urban Tantra by Barbara Carellas
The Art of Receiving and Giving: The Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin
Women's Anatomy of Arousal: Secret Maps to Buried Treasure by Sheri Winstone
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
Meditation / Mindfulness
Headspace: an online app that can guide you through the beginnings of meditation. An opportunity to still the mind. They have a one or two week free trial after which there is a monthly or annual subscription.
Men's Groups
Andy’s Man Club
MenSpeak Men's Groups
The Mankind Project
Vulnerability and Shame
Take a look at these two videos (approx. 20 minutes each) from Brene Brown. Watch them in order:
The Power of Vulnerability
Listening to Shame
And I highly recommend her book Daring Greatly.
Emotional Intimacy: A Comprehensive Guide for Connecting with the Power of Your Emotions by Robert Augustus Masters. How bringing the willingness to be vulnerable, and a desire to connect with partner(s) can enable growth in both each as individuals and in relationship with each other.
The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. For understanding your love language (so you can ask for what you need in relationship) and understand the love languages of others (so you can show your love for them in a way that they can receive it). Check out the website for a quiz and access to the full range of his books.
The Adventure Challenge. A couples and family editions are available. An in-bed version will be coming soon too.
A Call to Men TedX talk by Tony Porter (10 minutes)
The Little #MeToo Book for Men by Mark Greene
To be A Man by Robert Augustus Masters
Manhood: The Bare Reality by Laura Dodson