Download your free 6 Steps to Sexual Self-awareness guide and learn how to get your Free one hours coaching session with me here.

Using these steps can be the start of a powerful transformative journey into (re)claiming your sexual power. However like everything in life you get back what you put in. Growth and change are a result of small consistent and determined steps forward.

So, if you make the commitment to yourself and practice these simple steps; and you find them beneficial, I will match your commitment by guiding and supporting you to the next stage with a free 1 hour coaching session. This is just the beginning!

How to get your free 1 hour coaching session

Practice these steps for 7 days or more. Make some notes and reflections about your experiences; How have these steps supported you? What challenges did you face? And what is it you would like help with? Then, if you are ready to go further, email me your reflections and I will offer you a free 1 hour online coaching session.

Email your reflections to


Enter your email below and I’ll send you these three carefully crafted solutions to sex and intimacy issues! You’ll also get my bi-monthly love letter into your inbox. Don’t like it? No problem, you can unsubscribe in an instant. (And I’ll never share your details.)

  • Six Steps to Sexual Self Awareness: immediately enhance your sexual experience with this downloadable guide.
  • Guided Body Meditation: to develop greater mindfulness, relaxation and body awareness in just 6 minutes.
  • Eight Ways to Enhance your Sexual Seduction Experience: for better solo sex, better partnered sex and mind blowing intimacy.